Head Up presents:

HEAD UP : Small Wood Stock

The Forum, Royal Tunbridge Wells

Entry Requirements: 16+

The idea that started Head Up in the first place, a tribute to a member of the Tunbridge Wells music community we sadly lost 5 years ago. Jonny Smallwood grew up listening to and playing music at The Forum for many, many years. Now we pay tribute to him and raise awareness for male suicide and other mental health issues at SmallwoodStock.

A night of pop punk, heavy rock, metal, thrash, hardcore, old school punk and anything with a good beat and a killer riff! Featuring members of The Hurt Process, Rachel's Got A Flamethrower, Laruso, Collapse, Here There Be Monsters, UGLY LOVE, Anti-Nowhere League (Official), Mechanical Monkey, Unfounded, Operation Kino and others.

This show is open to the public in celebration of Jonny and the VAST array of music he listened to, so come and join us to tune down, sabb off and raise money for charity 🤘

About Head Up


"Based upon a the five year anniversary of the untimely passing of our good friend Jonny Smallwood, Tom Diamond, Molly Peers and I have decided to create a townwide event to raise awareness for mental health issues. Jonny took his own life in December 2013 after rather silently suffering from mental health issues, something that shocked the core of our friendship group. Since then, countless other men (and women) have succumb to the same heartbreaking fate.

This event is set up not only to honour those good people who’ve taken their lives, but to also help others who would be in the same situation to not give up and communicate about their issues. Community spirit will come to the aid of those needed help, something we’d like to kick start and keep afloat. We ourselves do not claim to be experts in helping deal with mental health, rather we want to be able to raise money for those who are and spread the message of inclusion, that there is a light at the end of even the darkest tunnel and that people discussing the taboo issues around mental health can help save lives.

Much more about the events being held and fundraising initiatives will be forthcoming over the next few weeks and months as we head towards the date of Saturday 8th December. The eve of the 5th anniversary of Jonny’s passing." Matt Lucas